Baptism Signup Form

The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20). Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time and never got baptized or are a new Christian, we would be honored to baptize you! Also below this sign up form you can find FAQs about baptism and questions to help you know if you or your child is ready for baptism.


First things first: Baptism is a BIG DEAL. It is a declaration in front of your community that you have chosen to fully give your life to Jesus and follow Him with all that you are. It’s not a decision we come to lightly but it is one we come to joyfully.

Why Should I Get Baptized?

There are a few reasons we get baptized:

Most importantly, Jesus wants us too. Jesus Himself got baptized before starting His public ministry (Matthew 3:3-17) and as followers of Jesus we are called to do what He did. He also told us to get baptized and to baptize nations in Matthew 28:19-20. After we choose to be a follower & disciple of Jesus, baptism is one of the ways we begin to follow Jesus.

Baptism is a picture of how Jesus saved us. When we go under the water it is symbolic of us identifying with Christ’s death.  There, the “old man”, our sin nature, is buried with Christ. Then as we come up out of the water, we come up clean having stepped into new life in Christ. We are no longer bound to sin but to righteousness in Jesus. (Romans 6:3-11)

What Do I Need To Know Before Getting Baptized?

I need a Savior. Romans 3:23 tells us that everyone has sinned. We all need a savior. Without a savior there is no way to be right with God.  It can’t happen by our own effort. We need to be set free.

God sent a Savior. John 3:16 tells us that God sent His only son, because He loves us, so that no one who believes in Him who perish but would instead have eternal life. God sent His son in a great act of love to set us free and make us new. So that we could be close to God and walk with Him now and in Heaven.

Jesus is my Savior. Part of being ready for baptism is having made the decision that you believe Jesus is the Son of God and that through His life, death and resurrection you have new life and relationship with God.

I will follow Jesus. It doesn’t mean you are perfect or won’t make mistakes, it means that you are giving Jesus your life, in every aspect. That you are going to go where He leads. (Ephesians 5:1-2)

What Should I Bring?

A towel & a change of clothes.

What Should I Wear While Getting Baptized?

A dark colored T-Shirt & shorts

Should I Invite Family & Friends?

Yes! Baptism is a declaration of your faith in Jesus and desire to follow Him. It’s a public declaration made infant of your community.

Can Children Be Baptized?
Yes. We ask that all who wish to be baptized are able to understand & make decisions about the things mentioned above.