Jesus is the perfect example of the normal Christian life. He is our template for life & ministry.
Revival looks like Jesus fully embraced in every area of life & culture.
Revival looks like Jesus fully embraced in every area of life & culture.
Created For The Impossible
The school is designed to help students walk in the supernatural power & love of God. You learn to live a Spirit filled & Spirit led life in an environment of God's presence. Learn to hear His voice, host His presence & go deeper in scripture.

We Love His Presence
We want to be a people of His presence that host Him well.
We Bring His Kingdom
Jesus taught us to pray "His kingdom come...On Earth as it is in Heaven."
We Are A People Of Worship
Worship is bringing our lives as an offering to King Jesus.
We Love His Word
Scripture reveals who He is and what He is like. It is an invitation to encounter God.
We Are A People Of Prayer
Prayer brings us into alignment with His heart. It makes us aware of His presence & solutions.
We Follow His Spirit
Jesus is God in flesh & blood. The Holy Spirit is God in our flesh & blood. We follow Him as He leads us to Jesus.